Check Deposit Testing

In the Sandbox environment, you can use the following details to simulate image errors and statuses that may occur in the course of Production use of the a /check_deposit endpoint.

Simulate Image Errors

Images are not verified in sandbox for Check Deposit objects.
To simulate an error status during the image verification process, set the amount property to any value that starts with the number 9 (e.g. 950.10, 0.97, or 0.09). The response to create the Check Deposit will initially show status as "pending", but will later be updated to return "error".

Example request to force a check deposit image error
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
          "account_id": "acct_1234567890",
          "amount": "900.00",
          "back_image_file_id": "file_0987654321",
          "front_image_file_id": "file_1234567890",
          "device": {"os_name": "ios",
                     "os_version": "12"},
          "person_id": "owner_1234567890"

Simulate Statuses

By default, all Check Deposits created in the sandbox environment will have their statuses set to "sent". To trigger a specific status for a Check Deposit object, pass one of the following values in the amount property.

StatusTest Amount
errorAny value starting with 8
returnedAny value starting with 7


Note: Status changes are processed approximately every 10 minutes in Sandbox. After processing, the status will not change again.