Card Declines

Declined card transactions are represented as Card Events with a status of denied. Card events in this status will contain a value in the decline_reason field which outlines the reason the transaction was declined. The example below shows a card event that was declined due to “Card Not Active.”

Example Card Decline

  "message_type": "auth-request",
  "card_id": "card_09876543421",
  "amount": "10.00",
  "currency": "USD",
  "status": "denied",
  "decline_reason": "Card Not Active",
  "network": "mastercard",
  "network_created_at": "2017-11-02T11:55:09Z",
  "processor": "marqeta",
  "id": "cnm_2345678901",
  "created_at": "2017-11-02T11:55:14Z",
  "updated_at": "2017-11-02T11:55:14Z",
  "merchant": {
    "name": "A VENDOR NAME",
    "mid": "0123456789",
    "mcc": "0000",
    "address": {
      "city": "EDGEWATER",
      "state": "NJ",
      "postal_code": "07020",
      "country": "USA"

Common Decline Reasons

There are a large number of reasons a card authorization might be declined by the network, the issuer, or by your application logic. Below are some of the more common card decline reasons that you may encounter:

Decline ReasonDescription
Denied By Card Controls: Blocked MerchantThis merchant is blocked by the current card control configuration.
Denied By Card Controls: ATM Withdrawal Limit ReachedThe ATM withdrawal limit defined by the card controls for this card have been reached.
Denied By Card Controls: Usage Limit ReachedThe usage limits defined by the card controls for this card have been reached.
AVS DeclineThe address information submitted for the transaction failed AVS verification.
AVS No InfoThe address information submitted for the transaction failed AVS verification.
Card Auth Loop Endpoint Denied RequestThis transaction was denied by a 402 response received from the Card Auth Loop Endpoint (your application logic).
Card Not ActiveThis card has not yet been activated.
Card ExpiredThis card has expired.
Card SuspendedThis card is currently suspended and will need to be reactivated before it can be used.
Card Expiration MismatchThe card expiration date provided does not match the expiration data for this card.
Fraud DeclineThis transaction has been decline due to suspected fraudulent activity.
Incorrect PINThe PINs provided does not match the PIN for this card.
Invalid CIDThe CID provided does not match the CID assigned to this card.
Invalid CVVThe CVV provided does not match the CVV assigned to this card.
Issuer TimeoutThe card network did not receive a response from the issuer within the specified timeframe and has declined the transaction.
Network DeclineThe card network has declined this transaction.
Transaction Not PermittedThe card is not configured to support the transaction being attempted.
NSFNon-Sufficient Funds: The user's available balance is insufficient to cover the transaction.