Adding Authorized Users

This guide describes how to add authorized users to existing accounts and issue them debit cards. Authorized users do not require the same amount of KYC as account owners, and as such adding them to accounts requires permission from the bank.

This guide uses the following endpoints

To add an authorized user to an account, you must

  1. Create a person application
  2. Use the additional person application flow
  3. Issue the card

1. Create a Person Application

person_application objects represent natural persons who are applying for new bank accounts or to be added to existing bank accounts. Before you can add a person to an account, you must create a person_application to represent them.

To create a person_application, make a POST request to the /apply/person_application endpoint.

    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
          "bankdata": {
            "ip_address": ""
          "citizenship": "US",
          "date_of_birth": "1732-02-22",
          "email_address": "",
          "first_name": "George",
          "last_name": "Washington",
          "phone_number": "2025551111",
          "physical_address": {
            "street_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave",
            "city": "Washington",
            "state": "DC",
            "postal_code": "20500"
          "tin": "111222444"

This will return the person_application object with a unique id:

  "bankdata": {
    "ip_address": ""
  "citizenship": "US",
  "created_at": "2019-03-02T11:55:14Z",
  "date_of_birth": "1732-02-22",
  "email_address": "",
  "first_name": "George",
  "id": "apsn_01d5w7mvmwvy",
  "last_name": "Washington",
  "middle_name": null,
  "occupation": null,
  "phone_number": "2025551111",
  "physical_address": {
    "street_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave",
    "street_line_2": null,
    "city": "Washington",
    "state": "DC",
    "country": "US",
    "postal_code": "20500"
  "updated_at": "2019-03-02T11:55:14Z",
  "userdata": null

The id for person application is prefixed with apsn_, which aids in distinguishing them from the person objects created at the end of the application process.

2. Create an Additional Person Application

Once the person_application representing the authorized user you wish to add to an account has been created, you can add them to the account by making a request to the additional_person_application endpoint:

    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
          "bankdata": {
            "ip_address": ""
          "account_id": "acct_1029384756",
          "person_application_id: "apsn_01d5w7mvmwvy",
          "role": "authorized_user"

This will start an additional_person_application to add the supplied person_application to the specified account, with the given role. The response will look like this:

  "account_id": "acct_1029384756",
  "bankdata": {
    "ip_address": ""
  "created_at": "2019-03-02T11:55:14Z",
  "id": "aapa_01d5w7mvmwvy",
  "person_application_id": "apsn_01d5w7mvmwvy",
  "role": "authorized_user",
  "status": "pending",
  "updated_at": "2019-03-02T11:55:14Z",
  "userdata": null

The status of the application will begin in pending and end in approved; once the application is approved, you can issue a card to the new user.

3. Issue the Card

Once the additional_person_application has been approved, you can fetch the person_application attached to it and look up the person created and linked to the account:

  "first_name": "George",
  "secondary_email_address": null,
  "bankdata": {
    "ip_address": ""
  "phone_number": "+1 202-555-1111",
  "mailing_address": null,
  "occupation": null,
  "physical_address": {
    "street_line_1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave",
    "street_line_2": null,
    "city": "Washington",
    "state": "DC",
    "postal_code": "20500",
    "country": "US"
  "person_id": "psn_11gqnx6f69zv0g",
  "middle_name": null,
  "updated_at": "2021-10-28T19:06:55Z",
  "gov_id": null,
  "document_ids": [],
  "id": "apsn_11gqkcek69rv55",
  "citizenship": "US",
  "date_of_birth": "1991-02-22",
  "last_name": "Washington",
  "user_id": null,
  "email_address": "",
  "created_at": "2021-10-27T20:08:51Z",
  "userdata": null

The person_id attribute of the person_application object is what is required to create a card; it is prefixed with psn.

Once you have the id of the person you wish to issue a card to, you can make a call to issue them a card in the normal way:

  curl -u $API_KEY_ID:$API_KEY_VALUE \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
          "account_id": "acct_1029384756",
          "person_id": "psn_11gqnx6f69zv0g5",
          "card_product_id": "cdpt_w10r2sebv0nl"

This will return a card object:

  "account_id": "acct_1029384756",
  "card_controls": null,
  "card_product_id": "cdpt_w10r2sebv0nl",
  "cvv": null,
  "created_at": "2021-02-19T20:42:40Z",
  "expiration": "0225",
  "fulfillment": {
    "status": "issued"
  "id": "card_zuhqnmz7e085",
  "last4": "3385",
  "pan": null,
  "person_id": "psn_11gqnx6f69zv0g5",
  "pin_is_set": false,
  "status": "unactivated",
  "updated_at": "2021-02-19T20:42:41Z",
  "userdata": null