
September 17th, 2024

  • Voiding Outgoing Wires withFees
    • As a Bank, via our new Bank Console, they will be able to return an Incoming wire via a new button “Void Wire Transaction” and apply any associated fees
    • The bank can view all Outgoing/Originated wires in the new Bank Console, From there, a bank can select the wire in question and use the “Void Wire Transaction” button. When the action is triggered (Selecting Void Wire Transaction), a pop-up will appear with the bank representative will be able to provide the reason and a fee (if applicable). When the action is triggered/completed, funds are moved from the outgoing wire settlement account to the FBO. A corresponding transaction is created for the return of funds in the ledger and an additional ledger transaction is created to represent the deduction of the fees from the ledger account.
    • NOTE: For some banks that support sending Treasury Prime notifications about wires being rejected, the process of voiding an outgoing wire is already automated.